Our bodily senses do not register Akasha, but we can reach it through spiritual practice. It is real but so subtle that it cannot be perceived until it becomes the many things that populate the manifest world. “ ”…an all-encompassing medium that underlies all things and becomes all things. He took the concept from the Akashic Records a metaphysical belief held in Hinduism and Theosophy that claims there is a compendium of mystical knowledge supposedly encoded in a non-physical plane of existence. He claims the informational field can explain why the Universe is fine-tuned as to form galaxies and conscious lifeforms and why evolution is a directed, not random, process. László's 2004 book, Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything posits a field of information as the substance of the cosmos. Also he misuses the word theory, using it to have the common meaning of a casual untested idea, similar to hypothesis, instead of the precise scientific term of a group of ideas that has systematically (using the scientific method) shown to explain data, be predictive and be falsifiable such as climate change or evolution. Some of László's ideas have been designated as pseudoscience such as his notion of "quantum consciousness" because he relies on the misuse of quantum physics similar to Deepak Chopra or Stanislav Grof. He has been criticized for his prophesy that there was going to be a critical tipping point in the Akashic Field in 2012, which is akin to religious millennialism and also his misrepresentation of Darwin's Theory of Evolution incorporating teleological argument (physico-theological argument which replaces God with the Akashic Field). László jumped on the 2012 bandwagon with his book WorldShift 2012: Making Green Business New Politics & Higher Consciousness Work Together.Įrvin László has indicated a belief in psychic phenomenon such as remote healing, and talking to the dead in prophesy and has disseminated pseudoscience. This idea is similar to the morphic fields of Rupert Sheldrake.

In his books Evolution: The Grand Synthesis (1987) and The Creative Cosmos: A Unified Science of Matter, Life and Mind (1996), he proposed a universal " psi-field" underlying and interconnecting all of matter to explain paranormal and quantum phenomena. László is a believer in psychic phenomena. Similar to Deepak Chopra, he is a supporter of quantum woo and new age claims about quantum consciousness and spirituality. His article Evolution Presupposes Design, So Why the Controversy? argues for intelligent design. The key words are indeed ‘cantankerous’ (because he is greatly exercised by the ‘conspiracies of silence’ embedded in the culture of modern political and public life) ‘musings’ (because this is not so much a single-focus monograph, rather a collection of spontaneous, but deeply-considered reflections on matters of the moment) and ‘disillusioned’ (both by Japan’s reversion to chauvinistic nationalism, and because, as a youth, he hoped for and expected an enhancement of the role of reason in international affairs.) This will be of special interest to all who know or have accessed the author’s vast literary output relating to Japan but it also has considerably wider relevance among those who are in any way connected with contemporary society, politics and economics and wish to confront the ‘conspiracy of silence’ within our interdependent world.László publishes woo articles in the Huffington Post.

To which are added essays on more general issues of the day, such as events in the Ukraine, Iran and Israel. After six decades following developments in Japanese society, economy and culture and as a well-known ‘leftie’ – he describes the evolution of his cognitive and evaluative/emotional perceptions of Japan, and explains why he can no longer be described as a Japanophile. Prompted by increasing evidence of the world’s shift to the right, not least among the industrialised nations, here is a cri de coeur from almost the last survivor from the post-war crop of European sociologists and scholars of Japanese Studies.